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We are a group of established and registered acupuncturists who provide treatments for fertility, pregnancy, pre-birth, postnatal and paediatrics. We work alongside, and in collaboration with, the existing fertility and maternity services in Ireland. We have all undergone post-graduate training in the areas of fertility, pregnancy and pre-birth and post-natal and some of our members have undergone training in paediatrics.

We respect and support the wishes of the patient in the context of informed choice, appropriate and safe practice, and supportive care.

Acupuncture for Fertility & Pregnancy Ireland (AFPI) covers Dublin city centre and surrounding areas north, south, east, west and Wicklow and has expanded to include locations all over Ireland including Galway, Cork and Waterford.

Please go to Our Members page to find your nearest AFPI practitioner.

On this website, you can find a member of AFPI, as well as benefit from a wealth of specific advice and guidance, access useful downloads, and read up on cutting edge research about acupuncture in the field of fertility, pregnancy, childbirth.

Members of AFPI are available to give talks on the use of acupuncture for fertility, pregnancy and birth. We run acupressure workshops for couples and birth partners to use for support and pain relief during labour. These can be arranged with your AFPI practitioner directly or via the AFPI email

We are also available to speak and participate in a series of CPD presentations for midwives, on treatments for breech presentation and acupuncture/acupressure for pain relief during labour. If you would like us to come to your pregnancy yoga class, post-natal support meeting or homebirth group, please email us at

All AFPI practitioners are registered members of a professional acupuncture organisation and adhere to a strict code of ethics ensuring confidentiality at all time.

Welcome - in Ireland