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Sabine Le Boulicaut

Suffolk Street, Dublin 2

Fertility Abdominal Maya Massage
GentleBirth™ Workshops
Placenta Encapsulation
My AcuBaby practice is dedicated to the health and well-being of women, from teenage years to menopause. I also provide GentleBirth™ Workshops and Placenta Encapsulation Services.

I mainly specialise in fertility and pregnancy acupuncture. I love the continuity of care that I get to experience within my practice as I get to support women on their path to conception, throughout pregnancy, during labour and in the post-partum period.

I support women on their natural fertility journey and on their assisted fertility journey (IUI-IVF-ICSI). I also have a special fondness for working with women who have been diagnosed with PCOS.

Most of the women I see would have been through difficult times on their path to conception, and I really want them to go on to have the best pregnancy and birth possible. It is a joy for me to be able to support them in these wonderful times of changes and prepare them for birth with pregnancy acupuncture.

I also recognise that every woman will remember the day she gave birth for the rest of her life, and I am passionate about empowering women and helping them get the best birth experience possible with my GentleBirth™ workshops.

Education & Qualifications:

Diploma in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture with the Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland
Licentiate in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Internship in the Drum Tower Hospital with Nanjing University of TCM, China
Training with Zita West and founder member of the Zita West National Network for Reproductive Health
Numerous post-graduate acupuncture courses on gynaecology, obstetrics and paediatrics (Jani White, Debra Betts, Sarah Budd, Stephen Birch…)
Fertility Maya Massage Certificate
Birth Doula Certificate
GentleBirth™ Instructor Certificate
Placenta Encapsulation Specialist Certificate

Contact Sabine

AcuBaby™,                                                                                                                                                                                25 Suffolk Street,                                                                                                                                                        Dublin 2

086 3265230                                                                                                                                

Sabine LeBoulicaut - in Ireland